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Features: inflorescences (any branch is resolved in flowers) and its bract (small sheet whose armpit is often born a flower) are used.
Sometimes sapwood (private bark its outside or suber) is used.
Constituents: The inflorescences contain mucilages that confer emollient and soothing, essential oil (farsenol is a sesquiterpene alcohol, traces of geraniol and eugenol sedating light nervous and antispasmodic action system, and flavonoids: quercitrosido, isoquercitrosido, tilirosido (Kaempherol -3 -p cumarilglucosido) with diuretic properties.
They also have sudorífica defenses and stimulating action.
the Abura containing phloroglucinol, catechic and gallic tannins, coumarin heterosides (fraxosido and esculósido) with choleretic, antispasmodic, vasodilator and hypotensive coronary.